As you can see, FW Zilla has small needle-like teeth. |
This discussion will be going into detail on both of these specimens. It also will ask you which aspects of these creatures would go into the Pipeworks Godzilla 4 game.
Gino has larger teeth than Zilla. |
- Gino has a small amount of teeth but they are a decent size. Zilla has many small needle-like teeth.
- Gino has four main fingers and one small "dewclaw" where his pinky would be, while Zilla has just four fingers similar to ToonZilla.
- They have slightly different stances. Gino is completely horizontal while Zilla stands partially upright.
- The slightest difference is the dewlap on their necks because they are nearly identical except Gino has a slightly larger one.
- The last one is size.
Gino - 60 meters
Zilla - 90 meters
FW ZIlla roaring in Sydney, Australia. |
So now onto the questions.
- Which teeth would you want the character to have?
- Which stance?
- Which size?(60, 90, or somewhere in between)
- How many fingers?
- What amount of fingers would you want?
- Would you want him to breathe fire or have hurricane breath?
This is a side view of Zilla, which is most likely how his stance is. |
This is the computer model of Gino, which you can see is completely horizontal. |
Alright so now leave your opinions in the comments below.